Friday, April 01, 2005

Treća dođe sama - The third one comes by herself...

Što bi rekli Srbi (doduše, oni to misle uglavom za alkohol i drogu...):
Prva kao kamen.
Druga kao slama!
Treća dođe sama!!!
Elem, ovo je moj blog #3, tako da mislim da je ovaj mali citat sa početka na mestu...
Pa nema ništa novo, ugovor sa još uvek nije produžen, a danas idem u Trstenik (TS) na desetak dana. Ustvari, najverovatnije će biti malo manje od toga, jer sam skoro upoznao jednu predivnu devojku, a one će biti u Beogradu (BG-u) od nedelje, a treba da se vidimo. Odavno nisam upoznao nekog ko je toliko inspirativan...
Ja sam inače upravo popio 6 dl (oko jedne pinte) crnog vina sa drugarom koji je na redovnom odsustvu iz vojske, a možda ćemo se videti i posle podne, da ja završim flašu (on je pio pivo)...
U rodnom gradu treba da se vidim sa nekim ljudima, da sredim još po nešto na računaru, malo da se prošetam po nekim starim dobrim mestima za šetnju u TS-u, i kad sve to završim, vraćam se u BG da...

Pratite i dalje....

As the Serbs would say (though, they mean that mainly for alcohol i drugs...):
The first one like the stone.
The second one like the straw!
The third one comes alone!!!
Anyway, this is my blog #3, so I think that the little comment from the beginning was OK...
Nothing new around here, the contract with is not yet expanded, and today I'm going to Trstenik (TS) for about 10 days. Actually, it's most probable going to be a bit less than that, cos lately I met this gorgeous girl, she's gonna be in Belgrade (BG) from Sunday, and we arranged a meeting. It's been a while since I met someone so inspirational...
I just drank 6 dl (about one pint) of red wine with a friend who's on a regular leave from the army, and we might even meet again in the afternoon, so I can finish my bottle (he was drinking beer)...
In my home town I need to see some people, set some things on computer, take some walks in the good old walking places in TS, and when I'm finished with all that, I'll go back to BG to...

Stay tuned....


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