Monday, May 30, 2005

Toliko mnogo vremena u toliko malo reči - So much time in so few words

U redu, znam da je prošlo mnogo vremena otkad sam ovo radio, i svima onima koji ovo čitaju redovno se izvinjavam. A pošto ni sad nemam puno vremena, moraću samo da nabrojim tri najvažnije stvari koje su se u međuvremenu desile:

  1. Radula se verio sa Zoricom :)
  2. Čaji je umrla majka :(
  3. Branka je izgubila svoj mobilni, tako da smo ostali van kontakta, iako sam danas išao do šumarskog fakulteta :(

U petak idem na more, pa ću se raspisati kada se vratim!


OK, it's been a while since I last wrote in something here, and I'm sorry to all those who read this regularly. But, since I don't have much time even now, I'll just count three most important things that have happened in the meantime:

  1. Radula got engaged to Zorica :)
  2. Čaja's mother died :(
  3. Branka lost her cell phone, so we lost contact, even though I went to Forest Faculty today :(

I'm going to the sea-side on Saturday, and afterwards I'll write about it.



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