Tuesday, April 12, 2005


I went to Trstenik from Belgrade late on Friday night, there was something wrong with the bus, it was a bit chill, and I only had a light jacket on my back... But, I didn’t care about all that, because I was in my hometown. For me it’s a place of peace and tranquility, a place where I know every person (though I don’t fancy them all), every street, every rock as they say… I love it. I love the river, the surrounding hills, the buildings, the way the afternoon Sun reflects from a Church’s golden cross on the top, and of course the feeling of peace and safety – something like the child loves the mother’s hug…
On Saturday my mother went on a business trip, and my father went to our weekend house, so I was alone, but I didn’t care. I went for a walk all by myself and it was great.
On Sunday one of my best friends whom I know for 20 years got back from his trip to India, so he called me to tell me all about it. He said that it was great, and I admired him…
Monday & Tuesday went on pretty well, nothing much to say about them. It were on of those days you think they'll last forever. The Sun was high and warm and the light breeze made sure that the air was fresh. The girls just started wearing lighter clothes, which was great after nearly 5 months of winter clothes over those beautiful breasts and legs...
Wednesday…, well I fucked some things up. I got an early call from the hospital to come and take one of their patients home. The night before my dad told me something about that – he was supposed to do it, at the time of the call he wasn’t at home, so I figured that he’s already on to it. But, he wasn’t. After the call I got back to bed and slept till 10:30. When I told dad about the call, he went crazy and told me all the things I deserved. Then we worked on his book. But, I left the computer all night running on system stand-by, so after an hour or two of working, the fan started running loudly. I immediately turned the computer off, afraid of what could happen. I mean we do not have the backup of the father’s book, and there are some pretty important things for my brother too. Fortunately, everything went pretty well, in the evening when the computer cooled down it sounded perfectly, and still does. I made those backups, nevertheless…
Thursday, I woke up early, about 08:00, went to the local shop to buy yogurt, and then I saw it. The special edition of Total Film for Serbia and Monte Negro, with Hayden Christensen as Anakin Skywalker on the front page. My whole body shuddered. From the top of my head to the toes on my feet. I remember the last two times that happened – when I saw that Paul Di’Anno (original Iron Maiden singer) is going to have a concert in Belgrade, and when Partizan FC won the UEFA CL qualifications match in New Castle. I immediately bought the magazine, and looked at it like a child looks at a brand new toy all the way to my home – some 300 yards… When I got home I listed it for a while, then had a breakfast, and went out. When I got back, I started reading it, then slept for a while, had a lunch… the usual stuff.
The magazine has 114 pages, and I’ve read it in some 4 hours, and I can tell it’s one of the best ever – it celebrates the UK 100th number (though it’s only number 17 in Serbia & Monte Negro). I remember three years ago when I saw Episode II how thrilled I was. I even got excited at the colouring book for the four-years-old that had a Attack of the Clones cover. I simply know that it’s gonna be the best picture for me in 2005. Just like I’ve known the same for Kill Bill Vol. 2 and 2004.
Friday, Saturday and Sunday I spent in resting and packing for the trip to Belgrade.
U Trstenik sam stigao iz Beograda kasno u petak uveče, autobus se bio nešto pokvario, bilo je prohladno a ja sam imao samo laganu jaknu na lećima… Ali, sve to me nije pogađalo, jer sam bio u svom rodnom gradu. Za mene je to mesto mira i spokoja, mesto gde poznajem sve ljude (iako ih ne volim sve), svaku ulicu, svaki kamen što bi se reklo. Volim ga. Volim reku, okolna brda, zgrade, način na koji se popodnevno Sunce reflektuje od krsta Crkve, i naravno osećaja mira i sigurnosti – nešto kao što dete voli zagrljaj svoje majke…
U subotu mama je otišla na poslovni put, a tata je otišao do vikendice, tako da sam ostao sam, ali nije bitno. Malo sam se sam prošetao, i bilo je super.
U nedelju se jedan od mojih najboljih drugara koga znam već 20 godina vratio iz Indije, pa me je pozvao da mi ispriča utiske. Rekao je da je bilo predivno, a ja sam mu se divio…
Ponedeljak i utorak su prošli prilično dobro, nemam šta da kažem o njima. To su bili jedni od onih dana za koje mislite da će trajati večno. Sunce je bilo visoko i toplo, a lagani povetarac je donosio svež vazduh. Devojke su taman počele da nose laganiju odeću, što je super posle skoro pet meseci zimske odeće preko tih divnih grudi i nogu...
Sreda…, pa zajeb’o sam stvari. Rano me je probudio poziv iz Doma zdravlja da pokupim nekog njihovog pacijenta i da ga prebacim kući. Veče pre toga tata mi je rekao nešto o tome – to je zapravo on trebalo da uradi, u vreme poziva on nije bio kući, tako da sam pomislio da je već tamo. Ali, nije bio. Posle tog poziva ja sam se vratio u krevet i spavao do 10:30. Kada sam tati rekao za poziv, on je poludeo i rekao sve što ide u takvim situacijama kada zaslužim. Zatim smo malo radili na njegovoj knjizi. Ali, ja sam ostavio računar uključen na stend-baju celu noć, tako da je posle par sati rada kuler počeo glasnije da se čuje. Smesta sam isključio računar, uplašen od mogućih posledica. Mislim, nemamo bekap tatine knjige, a i brat ima gomilu prilično važnih stvari. Srećom, sve se dobro završilo, uveče kada se računar dobor ohladio kuler se čuo normalno, a i dalje se čuje tako. Ja sam ipak napravio neki bekap.
U četvrtak sam se probudio rano, oko 08:00, otišao do prodavnice po jogurt i tada sam ga ugledao – specijalno izdanje TotalFilma za Srbiju i Crnu Goru, sa Hajdenom Kristensenom kao Anakinom Skajvokerom na naslovnoj strani. Ceo sam se naježio. Od vrha temena do nožnih prstiju. Setio sam se kada se to zadnji put desilo – kada sam video plakat za koncert Pola DiAna (originalnog Iron Maiden pevača) u Beogradu, i kada je Partizan pobedio Nju Kasl u kvalifikacijama za Ligu šampiona. Smesta sam kupio časopis i celim putem do kuće (nekih 300 metara) gledao ga kao klinac koji je dobio dugo očekivanu igračku. Kada sam se vratio kući, malo sam prelistao časopis, doručkovao i izašao napolje. Kada sam se vratio, počeo sam da ga čitam, malo odspavao, ručao… uobičajene stvari.
Magazin ima 114 strana a ja sam ga pročitao za nekih 4 sata, i mogu slobodno da kažem da je ovo jedan od najboljih brojeva – proslavlja stoti broj u UK (iako je tek broj 17 u SCG).Sećam se kako sam bio oduševljen epizodom II. Čak sam se bio napalio na bojanku za četvorogodišnjake koja je imala Napad Klonova na naslovki. Porsto znam da će to biti najbolji film koji ću gledati ove godine. Kao što sam isto to znao i za Ubiti Bila 2 i 2004. godinu.
Petak, subotu i nedelju sam proveo odmarajući i pakujući se za put u Beograd.

Friday, April 01, 2005

Treća dođe sama - The third one comes by herself...

Što bi rekli Srbi (doduše, oni to misle uglavom za alkohol i drogu...):
Prva kao kamen.
Druga kao slama!
Treća dođe sama!!!
Elem, ovo je moj blog #3, tako da mislim da je ovaj mali citat sa početka na mestu...
Pa nema ništa novo, ugovor sa www.mntr.sr.gov.yu još uvek nije produžen, a danas idem u Trstenik (TS) na desetak dana. Ustvari, najverovatnije će biti malo manje od toga, jer sam skoro upoznao jednu predivnu devojku, a one će biti u Beogradu (BG-u) od nedelje, a treba da se vidimo. Odavno nisam upoznao nekog ko je toliko inspirativan...
Ja sam inače upravo popio 6 dl (oko jedne pinte) crnog vina sa drugarom koji je na redovnom odsustvu iz vojske, a možda ćemo se videti i posle podne, da ja završim flašu (on je pio pivo)...
U rodnom gradu treba da se vidim sa nekim ljudima, da sredim još po nešto na računaru, malo da se prošetam po nekim starim dobrim mestima za šetnju u TS-u, i kad sve to završim, vraćam se u BG da...

Pratite i dalje....

As the Serbs would say (though, they mean that mainly for alcohol i drugs...):
The first one like the stone.
The second one like the straw!
The third one comes alone!!!
Anyway, this is my blog #3, so I think that the little comment from the beginning was OK...
Nothing new around here, the contract with
www.mntr.sr.gov.yu is not yet expanded, and today I'm going to Trstenik (TS) for about 10 days. Actually, it's most probable going to be a bit less than that, cos lately I met this gorgeous girl, she's gonna be in Belgrade (BG) from Sunday, and we arranged a meeting. It's been a while since I met someone so inspirational...
I just drank 6 dl (about one pint) of red wine with a friend who's on a regular leave from the army, and we might even meet again in the afternoon, so I can finish my bottle (he was drinking beer)...
In my home town I need to see some people, set some things on computer, take some walks in the good old walking places in TS, and when I'm finished with all that, I'll go back to BG to...

Stay tuned....