Bog IMA plan - God HAS a plan
"Ništa nije slučajno, i Bog za svakog od nas ima plan."
Ovo je česta izjava. Ja lično verujem da kada se nešto često kazuje kroz celu istoriju od strane mnogih ljudi da je to nešto istinito. Ali, u slučaju ove izreke, nisam bio baš siguran. Do subote.
Kada sam se vratio iz prepodnevnog bioskopa krenuo sam da pravim pileću supu. Svo vreme sam razmišljao o pomenutoj izreci, Bogu, Njegovom planu i o našem nepoznavanju velike slike. "Milioni ljudi je to reklo. To mora biti istina. Seti se šišanja i vojske." Sa 16 godina sam puštao dugu kosu koja se nije sviđala mojim roditeljima, i jednog dana ju je moj otac skratio. Ubrzo nakon toga sam se zarekao da se neću šišati sve do vojske. Ipak, rešio sam bio da se ošišam, i "zakazao" sam ga za moj 17-ti rođendan, 14 mart, koji je te godine pao u petak. (Bio sam odlučio da se šišam otprilike 2 meseca ranije). U sedmici mog rođendana stiglo mi je pismo u kome me pozivaju (kao i sve rođene 1980. godine) da se javim vojnom odseku radi upisivanja u njihov spisak. Prvi dan kada je to bilo moguće je bio 14-ti mart - petak. Pošto se uvek trudim da svoje obaveze prema državi ispunjavam na vreme, otišao sam do vojnogh odseka pre škole, pokazao im ličnu kartu i zaveli su me. Tada sam se setio obećanja datog samom sebi i pomislio "Bog ispunjava moja obećanja."
Elem, kada je supa bila pri kraju, ostavio sam je na tihoj vatri i uzeo nekoliko paradajza i paprika da napravim i salatu. Kada sam počeo da perem paprike, zapazio sam da jedna od njih ima neobično dugačku peteljku i pomislio "Ala ova ima dugu dršku!" Upotrebio sam reč DRŠKA umesto PETELJKA i nasmejao se tome. Servirao sam ručak i isekao dugačku peteljku da bih očistio papriku. Kada sam krenuo da podignem poklopac sa supe opekao sam se jer je bio vreo. Krpa je bila u kuhinji, a ja sam bio isuviše lenj da bih otišao da je uzmem, kada sam primetio odsečenu peteljku. Nasmejao sam se, uzeo je i sklonio poklopac. "Znači zato sam je nazvao drška!" proletelo mi je kroz glavu.
Sledećeg dana sam ponovo uzeo jednu papriku da je operem i primetio sam da i ona ima dugačku dršku. Neko bi pomislio da sve paprike koje sam kupio imaju dugačku dršku i bili bi razočarani, ali ja sam se samo nasmejao i poljubio je zahvalno.
“All things happen with a reason, and God has a plan for everyone of us.”
This is an often statement. I myself believe when something is said so many times by so many people that it just has to be true. But, this particular sentence I found very hard to accept. Until Saturday.
After going to the matinee cinema, I got back home and started making me some chicken soup. All the time I was wondering and thinking about God, His plans, and our ignorance about the big picture. I said to myself: “Millions of people say it every day, it just has to be true. Remember the army and the hair-cut!” When I was 16 I growed long hair, which my parents didn’t like, and once my father cut it off. Soon after I promised to myself that I would not cut my hair until I join the army. But, I decided that I would cut it after all, and scheduled it on my 17th birthday, 14th March, which was a Friday that year. (I decided to cut my hair about 2 months before). Someday in the week before my birthday, a letter came in. I (and everyone else born in 1980.) was requested to go to the community centre and sign up for the army. The first day in which that can be done was March 14th – Friday. Since I always try to fulfill my obligations towards the country on time, I went there before the classes, showed them my ID, and they listed me. Then I remembered the promise I gave to myself, and thought “God keeps my promises.”
Anyway, when the soup was almost done, I left it cooking on lite fire and took some tomatoes and paprikas to make a sallad too. When I started washing them, I noticed that one of paprika has unusually long stem, and thought to myself “Wow, what a long handle!” I used the term “HANDLE” instead of “STEM”, and laughed about it. I served the meal and cut the stem of that paprika, to remove the kernel from the inside of it. As I wanted to open the lid from the soup, I burned my fingers because it was very hot. The mop was all the way in the kitchen, and I was too lasy to get up and get it, when I noticed the cut stem. I started laughing when I took it and opened the lid safely. “So, that’s why I called it handle!” came through my mind.
The next day, I wanted to wash another paprika, and it also had a long stem. Somebody would probably think that all the paprikas I bought had a long stem and would be dissapointed, but I just laughed again and kissed it with graditude.