Thursday, April 24, 2008

Just a thought.... - Samo ideja

Well, I started my German course on Tuesday, and it is OK. At the beginning of the class, after the introducing ourselves, we had to write something about Berlin, our first associations. Well, my first (and, sadly I add, only) associations were about Hitler, WW2 and Nazis, the Berlin wall and cold war. Although, I believe that not everything in Berlin is about that, 's such a great city.
And, since I come from Serbia, whose recent past is also stained with war, I began wondering what associations people have about Serbia?

Dakle, krenuo sam na kurs nemackog u utorak, i dobro je. Na pocetku casa, nakon upoznavanja, trebali smo napisati nesto o Berlinu, nase prve asocijacije. Pa, moje prve asocijacije (i jedine, na zalost) su o Hitleru, drugom svetskom ratu i nacistima, Berlinskom zidu i hladnom ratu. Iako verujem da nije sve u Berlinu povezano sa time, to je tako veliki grad.
I, posto ja dolazim iz zemlje cija je skora proslost takodje umrljana ratom, pitam se sta ljudi misle na pomen Srbije?

Tuesday, April 08, 2008

Idemo dalje - We're going on...

It's been a while since I last submitted here, if I don't count the yesterday's submit. Anyways, I'm in Baden, Switzerland now and it's beautiful. I work in Alstom and live some 20 minutes walk from the job. The nature is great, the whole country is like one big postcard. I am in a flat with two Germans, and we're doing fine. For the weekend they usually go home to Germany, so I'm alone, but that does not bother me. Hopefully soon my best freind will come to visit from Geneva. Today I'm going to submit my papers for the working permit here, and I hope it will be finished soon.Cheers!

Proslo je podosta od kako sam ovde nesto postavio, ako ne racunamo ono juce. Bilo kako bilo, ja sam u Badenu u Svajcarskoj, i prelepo je. Radim u Alstomu a zivim nekih 20-ak minuta peske od posla. Priroda je predivna, i cela zemlja je kao jedna velika razglednica. U stanu sam sa dva nemca i fino se slazemo. Oni obicno vikendom idu kuci u Nemacku, tako da sam sam, ali mi to ne smeta. Nadam se da ce me uskoro posetiti moj najbolji prijatelj koji zivi u Zenevi. Danas idem da predam dokumenta za radnu dozvolu/vizu ovde i nadam se da ce brzo biti gotova. Uzdravlje!

Monday, April 07, 2008

Cita li ko ovo? - Anybody reads this?

Well, it's been really really REALLY long time since I've written here, and so many things have happened. My brother died of cancer, and that still hurts me. I guess that particular pain will never go away, although, I think it will be reduced in the following years. Right now I'm in Switzerland, in Baden, working in Alstom, and very satisfied with my life. I feel like I am very very VERY happy in my life... Hopefully I'll write more often now, so please keep reading...

Pa, proslo je mnogo mnogo MNOGO vremena otkada sam zadnji put ovde nesto pisao i i desilo se toliko mnogo stvari. Moj brat je umro od raka, i i to me jos uvek boli. Pretpostavljam da taj bol nikada nece nestati, iako mislim da ce biti smanjen u narednim godinama. Trenutno se nalazim u Svajcarskoj, u Badenu, i radim u Alstomu, i vrlo sam zadovoljan svojim zivotom. Imam osecaj da sa sam jako jako JAKO srecan u zivotu... Nadam se da cu cesce pisati, pa nastavite ovo da citate...